Wednesday 22 July 2009

Lots of painted Trolls

As I said I've been painting away on the Trolls for the past couple of weeks. That's actually a really big change for me, usually I only really get motivated to paint if I got a tournament coming up or if I'm just starting on a project. But at the moment I'm just pleased to see the trolls get some colour even if I don't have a 'goal' for when they are to be done.

First up is Calandra. She was one of the things that got me excited about Trolls in Meta and I've been waiting for her to be released. Quite a fun model to paint, very different to the other trolls. She could maybe have done with slightly smaller hands... (Her left hand was a real nightmare to get to stick).I've tried her in a few games too and she is quite fun; letting you play however you like.

Next up is my Axer (he still needs a name). Really pleased with the model actually, although I never seem to be able to get all that much out of him on the tabletop. Lack of practice I guess.
The additional charge distance should be good, I just needs to be a lot better at using it. And hopefully he will have reach in MK II. Looking at the size of his axe, and the size of the Hero's axe he certainly should get it. And if he then keeps Thresher that is going to be awesome. Might make him quite an expensive light though.

And his brother, the Slag Troll. I didn't much liked the way he was painted by PP, he just didn't looked like he belonged in the army then, so he got to be blue like the rest of the trolls. He still sticks out a bit because he is mostly naked but he actually looks like he fit now.
I also did some slight conversion work to bulk out his arms a bit as he suffered really badly from giant hands syndrome. His right arm could probably have used a bit more, but at least I think it's better than the stock model.He also shows my new idea for bases. I'm going to paint the rim two different green colours to show the front arc, I just need to settle on the greens to use. Used Dark Angels/Emerald Green here, where as I tried Reflective Green on Calandra's base.
Been very impressed with him in gameplay too. He does lots and lots of damage to warjacks.

I've posted my Kriel Stone Bearer before, but I redid his skin to match the new way I'm painting it. And I painted a few more from his unit too. The Stone Scribe Elder and a 'grunt'. And I've done a little bit on the rest too. Figured that since these guys will be in every army they would be a good place to start.

I also finally finished the Fell Caller. He have been sitting on my desk being almost done for quite a long while now, so it was about time. He also made me wish Trolls had more soloes. I do like soloes but you don't get that many of them in Hordes (or at least not with Trolls).
Got a couple of minions on there way though. A Feral Geist, Alten Ashley and Dahlia Hallyr and Skarath. I'm especially looking forward to painting Skarath, that's just a great model. Reports on them have been a bit mixed, but I really like there models and I just don't feel the need to get a minion warlock with a beatstick beast. That's what Trolls do!

And finally I just finished one of my Long Riders. It took a bit longer to paint than I anticipated, but I'm hoping I can finish the other two today and have my first completed unit. Thought it would be easier to finish thme since they are only three models, rather than the seven in the KSB unit. They also add some much needed speed to the Troll lineup. I'd actually really like to get Horthol and another two Long Riders, but Horthol is expensive, so I'm thinking I'll wait and see how they look in Mk II before I buy any more. Another idea would be to get another box of Long Riders and then just convert one of them into a Horthol model. Although then I'd still be a dismounted Horthol short.

And a group picture of all the models I've painted recently. Grissel really should have been in it as she is almost done, but she was hiding in the cupboard and I forgot to take a picture of her...

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